Articles on: FAQ

How to cancel my paid subscription

With Drovio, you can change the plan you've subscribed to at any time. Downgrading your paid subscription only requires a few clicks.

What to know before cancelling my paid subscription?

When you downgrade your subscription to a cheaper or free one, you'll get the credits for unused time until the end of the current billing period (month or year) that you'll be able to use later on to re-subscribe.

If you are part of a team or a team owner

Only the team owner or a team admin can change the subscription.
Any change to the current plan will apply to all of the team members.
As a regular member of a team, the only thing you can do is leave the team, this will remove any paid subscription assigned to you from that team.

How to cancel my paid subscription?

Head over to the Billing section of your Drovio profile.
Click on the Plan tab.
Go to the Basic plan and click on the Change to this plan button, then follow the on-screen instructions.

If you're the team owner and don't plan to use Drovio anymore, you can also dissolve your team on (see "settings" tab). Note that if you personally had an active paid subscription, you'll then have to follow steps above.

How to make sure I won't be charged anymore?

Go to, you'll be able to see the number of active subscriptions for you and your team in addition to what you're being charged each billing period (month or year), if you're being charged at all.

Updated on: 11/05/2023

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