Mac users: set up your permissions
When you launch the Drovio app for the first time on macOS, you will be asked to grant some app permissions to enable most of its functionalities.
App permissions on macOS manage what an app can do with your computer. For example, when an app wants to access your microphone or capture your screen, macOS asks you to grant the corresponding permissions.
Accessibility: This permission authorizes Drovio to handle mouse and keyboard inputs. Remote control won't work without this permission. Also, you will need this permission to be set whether you're sharing your screen (presenter role) or you're a guest in a session. When you are the presenter, Drovio syncs your inputs with the other participants to prevent any conflicts and inject mouse and keyboard inputs coming from the participants. When you're in a session, Drovio monitors your keyboard inputs and sends every key and key combo without triggering the corresponding action on your computer (eg. CMD + TAB, CMD + Q...).
Microphone (macOS 10.14+): Drovio needs access to your microphone during sessions to let you chat with people. If you don't set it, people won't be able to hear you.
Screen Recording (macOS 10.15+): Allow Drovio to share your screen. Without that, people will see a black screen instead of your actual screen.
Input Monitoring (macOS 10.15+): this shouldn't be necessary as of macOS 10.15.3 when you've already set the Accessibility permission. However, some people reported that they needed this permission set. If you encounter any issues with the inputs (keyboard won't work), try adding this permission.
Camera: Drovio needs to access your videocamera to allow videoconferencing
When launching the Drovio app or starting a new screen sharing session, you'll be prompted to set the permissions described above, depending on your macOS version. For each required permission, proceed as instructed:
Click on the button next to the permission's description.
Security & Privacy is opened and the permission's actual pane is displayed.
Click on the checkbox next to in the list (you may need to click on the lock icon before as some permissions require elevated privileges).
You can restart the app now or after every permission is set (note: the Microphone permission will appear as Denied until the app is restarted).
You can also access these macOS settings directly from System Preferences, Security & Privacy, Privacy tab.

If people can't type on your screen (or you can't type on their screen) or people don't hear you although the needed permissions are set, 1) uncheck/check again the permissions (this is a macOS bug) 2) restart the Drovio app.
You can check Drovio permissions status from the app's Preferences, Advanced tab, "open Check permissions".
What are those app permissions?
App permissions on macOS manage what an app can do with your computer. For example, when an app wants to access your microphone or capture your screen, macOS asks you to grant the corresponding permissions.
What permissions does the Drovio app need?
Accessibility: This permission authorizes Drovio to handle mouse and keyboard inputs. Remote control won't work without this permission. Also, you will need this permission to be set whether you're sharing your screen (presenter role) or you're a guest in a session. When you are the presenter, Drovio syncs your inputs with the other participants to prevent any conflicts and inject mouse and keyboard inputs coming from the participants. When you're in a session, Drovio monitors your keyboard inputs and sends every key and key combo without triggering the corresponding action on your computer (eg. CMD + TAB, CMD + Q...).
Microphone (macOS 10.14+): Drovio needs access to your microphone during sessions to let you chat with people. If you don't set it, people won't be able to hear you.
Screen Recording (macOS 10.15+): Allow Drovio to share your screen. Without that, people will see a black screen instead of your actual screen.
Input Monitoring (macOS 10.15+): this shouldn't be necessary as of macOS 10.15.3 when you've already set the Accessibility permission. However, some people reported that they needed this permission set. If you encounter any issues with the inputs (keyboard won't work), try adding this permission.
Camera: Drovio needs to access your videocamera to allow videoconferencing
Got it, how can I set those permissions?
When launching the Drovio app or starting a new screen sharing session, you'll be prompted to set the permissions described above, depending on your macOS version. For each required permission, proceed as instructed:
Click on the button next to the permission's description.
Security & Privacy is opened and the permission's actual pane is displayed.
Click on the checkbox next to in the list (you may need to click on the lock icon before as some permissions require elevated privileges).
You can restart the app now or after every permission is set (note: the Microphone permission will appear as Denied until the app is restarted).
You can also access these macOS settings directly from System Preferences, Security & Privacy, Privacy tab.

If people can't type on your screen (or you can't type on their screen) or people don't hear you although the needed permissions are set, 1) uncheck/check again the permissions (this is a macOS bug) 2) restart the Drovio app.
You can check Drovio permissions status from the app's Preferences, Advanced tab, "open Check permissions".
Updated on: 09/06/2022
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