Articles on: Features

Schedule a meeting & Calendar integration

You can now schedule future meetings and add them to your calendar.

How to schedule a future meeting?

There are 2 ways to schedule a meeting.

Through the App by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the "Schedule a meeting" option (this will take you to the Meetings tab in your Drovio profile).
By going directly to the Meetings section of your Drovio profile at

Once you are in the Meetings tab you will have 2 options:

New meeting.
Instant meeting.

New meeting

To schedule a meeting, click on the New meeting button.
You will have the option to enter a title for the meeting, invite as many participants as you need, select the time and duration for the meeting as well as the time zone. If desired, you can set it as a recurrent meeting and also have the option to enter a description for the other users to know what it is about.
Once you have entered all the information, simply click on the Save button.
All of the participants (including the host) will get an email with the meeting invite.

Calendar integration

With the invite email you will have the option to add the meeting to the calendar by confirming your assistance to the event.

Updated on: 29/08/2022

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